About the Journal

Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (DIJMS) from Volume 1 Number 1 of 2019 to Volume 5 Number 6 of 2023 Accredited Rank 5 according to Accreditation Number: 0826/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023

DIJMS, ISSN 2686-522X (Online) & 2686-5211 (Print), is a management science journal published since 2019 by Dinasti Publisher. This journal aims to publish scholarly research articles to academics, practitioners, students, and other parties interested in management science in the fields of financial management, marketing management, operational management, human resource management, management science, innovation management, Management of Information Technology, Management Information Systems, Technology and Knowledge Management, etc.

Editors will accept articles that have never been published by other journal publishers. The article published in the opinion of the researcher and not the opinion of the editor or the Publisher. Journal published periodically 6 (six) times a year with the frequency of publication in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The determination of articles published in Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (DIJMS) has been passed a review process by the editorial team by considering the following: Fulfillment of the standard requirements of journal publications, the research methods used, the significance, and contribution of research results to the development of Management science.

Current Issue

Vol. 6 No. 3 (2025): Dinasti International Journal of Management Science (January - February 2025)
Published: 2025-01-07


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