The Influence of Workload, Work Environment on Turnover Intention through Motivation in PT. Jambi Planning Commerce
Workload, Work Environment, Turnover Intention, Motivation, & Employee RetentionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of workload and work environment on turnover intention in employees at PT. Jambi Planning Commerce, with motivation acting as a mediating variable. This study uses descriptive and verification methodology, using a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 52 permanent employees of PT. Jambi Planning Commerce. SPSS version 29.0 was used to conduct statistical analysis, which includes multiple regression and path analysis. The objective was to investigate the direct and indirect impacts of workload and work environment on turnover intention, mediated by motivation. The results show that the number of workers and working conditions have a large and favourable impact on motivation and the likelihood of leaving the job. More precisely, the direct impact of workload on motivation accounts for 17.9% of the overall effect, while the indirect impact accounts for 18.1%. The work environment has a direct impact of 26.1% and an indirect impact of 18.1% on motivation. Collectively, these characteristics explained 80.2% of the variability in motivation. In addition, the level of work assigned and the conditions under which work is performed have a significant impact on the desire to leave the job, accounting for 25.8% and 18.8% of the effect, respectively. In addition, there is an indirect effect of 18.4% each, which results in a cumulative effect of 81.4%. Motivation plays an important role in turnover intention, accounting for 75.9% of the variation.
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