Leverage Social Media Marketing to Increase Tourism: A Case Study of Lombok, Indonesia


  • Dede Suleman Department of Management & Jaya Launch Pad, Jaya University of Development, Indonesia
  • Etik Dwi Styaningrum Bina Sarana Informatics University, Indonesia
  • Nurzalinar Joesah Bina Sarana Informatics University, Indonesia
  • Ety Nurhayaty Bina Sarana Informatics University, Indonesia
  • Lilik Yuliawati Bina Sarana Informatics University, Indonesia
  • Sabil Sabil Bina Sarana Informatics University, Indonesia


: Social media marketing, Tourism, Brand image, Interest in tourist visits, (e-WOM), Social media interaction, Customization, Marketing strategy, Tourist destinations


The rapid development of internet technology has had a significant impact impact on various sectors, including tourism. Social media, in particular, has emerged as a powerful one networking tools that bridge social and economic activities globally. This research examine the role of social media marketing activities (SMMA) in shaping tourists' intentions to visit Lombok, Indonesia, a popular destination known for its stunning views and rich cultural heritage. This research identify the main elements of SMMA such as interaction, trends, electronic word of word of mouth (e-WOM), and customization, and their impact on brand image and tourist visit intentions. Through a quantitative approach with survey from domestic and international tourists, this research reveals that SMMA significantly improve Lombok brand image and influences tourist intentions positively. These? findings provide valuable insights for tourism stakeholders to develop effective marketing strategies by utilizing social media? attract more visitors and promote Lombok as a must-visit destination.



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How to Cite

Suleman, D., Styaningrum, E. D. ., Joesah, N. ., Nurhayaty, E., Yuliawati, L., & Sabil, S. (2024). Leverage Social Media Marketing to Increase Tourism: A Case Study of Lombok, Indonesia. Dinasti International Journal of Management Science, 6(1), 181–192. Retrieved from https://dinastipub.org/DIJMS/article/view/3514