Acculturation of Martabak Har culinary culture as a cultural identity and tourist attraction in Palembang
Cultural Acculturation, Martabak HAR, Cultural Identity, Gastronomy, PalembangAbstract
This study aims to examine the process of cultural acculturation in martabak HAR as a typical Palembang culinary cultural identity and explore its potential as a tourist attraction. Gastronomic theory was used to analyze the relationship between culture and food consumption. The results show that the cultural acculturation of martabak HAR involves the incorporation of Indian and Malay culinary elements, making it a unique Palembang cultural identity. Martabak HAR not only acts as a specialty food but also as a symbol of local pride and a strong tourist attraction. Strategies to maintain martabak HAR's reputation include maintaining the quality of raw materials, menu innovation, tourism promotion, good service, and offering an authentic culinary experience. This research provides an in-depth understanding of martabak HAR's contribution to the cultural identity and tourism of Palembang City.
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