Inventory Management, ABC Analysis, Forecasting, Continuous ReviewAbstract
The research aims to find the factors that cause high inventory value, increase the value of forecasting precision, service level and cost efficiency with fishbone diagrams and proposed methods. The research sample is 9 spare parts included in classification A in the ABC analysis and maintenance list 2018. Forecasting methods use Moving Average, Single Exponential Smoothing and Syntetos-Boylan Approximation as well as Mean Square Error calculation, deterministic inventory calculation and Continuous Review Method. The results of this study are an increase in logistics costs by $ 808.71 in the inventory management proposal. An increase in service level from 95% to 99% and the error value in the calculation of the proposal becomes smaller using the proposed method. This study also found that the factor causing the high inventory value was due to inaccurate planning methods so that other comparative methods were needed that could increase the precision of demand forecasting.
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