The Influence of Organizational Culture, Career Expectations, and Leadership Beliefs On Achievement Motivation In Integrated Islamic Primary Schools Riau Islands Province


  • Nurhayati Nurhayati Abdullah Said Batam Islamic Institute, Indonesia
  • Mukhtar Latif Sultan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi, Indonesia
  • Kasful Anwar Sultan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi, Indonesia



Organizational Culture, Career Expectations, Leadership Beliefs, Achievement Motivation


In this research the author used quantitative research methods with a sample size of 116 respondents from SDIT Darussalam, SDIT Al-Madinah, SDIT Scholar. The data collection method used is in the form of a questionnaire which is then processed with statistical analysis. The results include; 1). Organizational culture has a direct effect on achievement motivation by 9.7%. 2). Career Expectations have a direct effect on Achievement Motivation by 24.4%. 3). Organizational Culture and Career Expectations simultaneously have a direct effect on Achievement Motivation by 29.1%. 4). Organizational culture has a direct effect on Leadership Trust by 13.9%. 5). Career Expectations have a direct effect on Leadership Confidence by 16.7%. 6). Organizational Culture and Career Expectations simultaneously have a direct effect on Leadership Trust by 25.6%. 7). Leadership Trust has a direct effect on Achievement Motivation by 36.2%. 8) Organizational Culture, Career Expectations and Leadership Trust together (simultaneously) have a direct effect on Achievement Motivation by 44.4%. 9). Organizational Culture has a direct effect on Achievement Motivation through Leadership Trust by 41%. 10). Career Hope has a direct effect on Achievement Motivation through Leadership Trust by 41.5%. The conclusion is that organizational culture, career expectations and leadership beliefs can influence achievement motivation.



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How to Cite

Nurhayati, N., Mukhtar Latif, & Kasful Anwar. (2024). The Influence of Organizational Culture, Career Expectations, and Leadership Beliefs On Achievement Motivation In Integrated Islamic Primary Schools Riau Islands Province. Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science, 5(5), 1150–1168.