Analysis of Factors Relating To Tourists' Visiting Interest In Suban Air Hot Tourist Destinations Curup City


  • Sindi Oktapiani Bengkulu University, Indonesia
  • Heni Nopianti Bengkulu University, Indonesia
  • Diyas Widiyarti Bengkulu University, Indonesia



Accessibility, Facility, Interest In Visiting Tourists, Tourist


The research was motivated by the researcher's interest in tourism in the city of Curup, especially the hot spring suban tourist destination. Various natural resources in Curup City such as mountains, hills, lakes, or waterfalls, and others have the potential to become tourist attractionsthat attract tourists to visit. Suban Air Panas is a touristattraction managed by the Rejang Lebong Regency Culture and Tourism Office. Suban Air Panas is one of themainstay attractions of Curup City which is the main destination for visitors on holidays and weekdays. The study aims to examine what factors are related to touristinterest in visiting tourist destinations in the city of Curupusing the Social Exchange Theory by George C. Homansas the basis for analysis. Homans as the basis for analysis. The type of research conducted in this study is quantitativeresearch method. Data obtained through literature study, documentation and questionnaires, observation andutilization of secondary data. Informants were selectedusing purposive sampling technique and using accidentalsampling method where the sampling technique wascarried out by chance from visitors to Suban Hot Springstourist attraction. The analysis model used in this researchis multiple linear regression with tourist interest as thedependent variable, while there are three variables as independent variables, namely tourist attraction, facilities, and accessibility. The results of this study indicate that thethree independent variables in the regression equationhave a significant effect on tourist interest in visiting. So, these variables greatly affect the number of tourists whocome to Suban Hot Springs. The tourism sector shouldcontribute to PAD can be increased again by consideringsupporting factors such as accommodation facilities (hotels and tourist lodges), restaurants, travel agencies, tourism, tourism attractions, and tourism educationinstitutions.


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How to Cite

Sindi Oktapiani, Heni Nopianti, & Diyas Widiyarti. (2024). Analysis of Factors Relating To Tourists’ Visiting Interest In Suban Air Hot Tourist Destinations Curup City. Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science, 5(5), 925–932.