
  • Abdul Aziz Syuhaily University Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • M. Havidz Aima University Esa Unggul, Indonesia
  • Candra Mukhtar University Andalas, Padang, Indonesia



Leadership, Motivation, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction


This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dharma  Andalas University, with a sample of 30 respondents. The data was obtained by conducting a questionnaire, then processed and tested using  SmartPLS. The results of the research based on hypothesis testing indicate that (1) Leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and on employee performance; (2) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and on employee performance; (3) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and (4) Job satisfaction significantly mediates leadership and work motivation variables on employee performance.


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How to Cite

Aziz Syuhaily, A., M. Havidz Aima, & Candra Mukhtar. (2022). SIGNIFICANT EFFECT OF LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH JOB SATISFACTION FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS DHARMA ANDALAS UNIVERSITY. Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science, 3(5), 656–666.