Barriers to Entrepreneurial Intention: A Comprehensive Literature Review


  • Sri Yusriani Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Iwan Setiyawan Prambudi Indonesia Open University
  • Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro Indonesia Open University
  • Achmad Fauzi Bhayangkara University
  • Heffi Christya Rahayu Pasir Pengaraian University



Entrepreneurial Intention, Self-Efficacy, erceived Behavioral Control, Fear of Failure, Entrepreneurial Barriers, Literature Review


This literature review investigates the barriers affecting entrepreneurial intention, a foundational aspect of business creation influenced by psychological, social, and environmental factors. The study identifies major barriers, such as low self-efficacy, lack of social support, negative attitudes toward entrepreneurship, limited perceived behavioral control, environmental uncertainty, and fear of failure. These factors, documented across diverse contexts, highlight both individual and contextual challenges that deter entrepreneurial motivation. This review aims to clarify these barriers by synthesizing findings from prior research and presenting a framework to inform targeted interventions that can effectively foster entrepreneurial intentions. Emphasis is placed on the role of entrepreneurial education, supportive social structures, and simplified regulatory processes in overcoming these obstacles, thereby supporting potential entrepreneurs in diverse environments.

Keyword: Entrepreneurial Intention, Self-Efficacy, Social Support, Perceived Behavioral Control, Fear of Failure, Entrepreneurial Barriers, Literature Review.

Author Biographies

Sri Yusriani, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Sri Yusriani is a postgraduate student and assistant lecturer in the Postgraduate Studies program at the Indonesian Open University, specializing in Communication Science and Human Resources Management. She successfully defended her master's thesis in January 2024 as the top alumna and is currently beginning her PhD research program at USM, Malaysia.
Professionally, she has excelled in supply chain management and the HRM division at FK Distribution Denmark and has also contributed to ICRC Denmark. Known for her skills in writing and public speaking, Yusriani has received many awards and has actively mentored more than 80 authors in scientific writing, demonstrating her commitment to sharing knowledge and serving the community. She is also a leader of student and alumni organizations.
Yusriani's educational background includes completing high school at SMU YKPP 1 Komperta Plaju Palembang in 2001, studying Geography at Padang State University, and Arabic Language Education at the Indonesian Education University from 2002 to 2005. She also pursued foreign language studies, studying Polish at Jagiellonian University in Krakow from 2010 to 2012. Sri Yusriani has been recognized as the best moderator and presenter at several international conferences and has served as a reviewer for multiple journals. Since 2022, she has been attending the Danish language school 'Sprogskoler' in Billund, Denmark.
Outside of her professional and academic career, Yusriani has been recognized for her achievements in English speech and Islamic short story writing competitions in Indonesia. Along with her research colleagues, she won second place in the master's thesis competition at the 14th IEOM (International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management) in Dubai, UAE, in February 2024, third-best paper at the 6th ISBEST 2023, Best Moderator at ICBEM 2023, and was awarded Best Presenter at ISC-BEAM UNJ in June 2024. Additionally, she won the Best Paper award in the Digital Muslim Review Islamic Studies Journal at UIN Banten in 2024, and her team received the Best Paper award in HRM at Telkom University SCBTII in July 2024 in Bandung. Yusriani won best paper in Doctoral Dissertation Awards and Master Thesis Awards in Asia Pasific IEOM, Tokyo in September 2024 with her research partners, Dr. Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro and Dr. Muji Gunarto. In September 2024 'till March 2025, She also has been selected to join WESEP training course program provided by EU ErasmusPlus Project in Luxembourg.


Iwan Setiyawan Prambudi, Indonesia Open University

Iwan Setiyawan Prambudi is a postgraduate student in Universitas Terbuka with 25+ years professional careers in Universitas Terbuka . Having graduated the 62th Jakarta Senior High School, he attended History bachelor degree in STMIK MUHAMMADIYAH (2006-2010) and now pursuing his master degree of Human Resources Management.
Currently serving at the Ternate Open University, North Maluku Province, serving as Head of the Administration and Marketing Sub-Section, very interested in the world of education, sharing knowledge in the field of teaching for the Human Resources study program at higher education.

Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Indonesia Open University

Dr. Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro is an esteemed Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Postgraduate Studies at Indonesia Open University, where he currently serves as the Functional Head of the Management Program. He earned his doctoral degree from Gadjah Mada University in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 2016. Dr. Patiro is a prolific author, having published multiple books and numerous scientific articles in Scopus, international proceedings and Sinta-indexed journals, also won some best papers awards. As a senior lecturer and department head, he consistently inspires and motivates his students to achieve excellence in their academic and professional endeavors. With a profound passion for scientific writing and renowned expertise in quantitative research, Dr. Patiro is a respected figure in his field, widely recognized for his scholarly contributions and mentorship.


Heffi Christya Rahayu, Pasir Pengaraian University

Dr. Heffi Christya Rahayu. M.Si
NIDN: 1018067303
senior lecturer in Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
Jln. Tuanku Tambusai, Desa Kumu
Kecamatan: Rambah Hilir
Kabupaten: Rokan Hulu
Provinsi Riau
Kode Pos. 28457
Email: [email protected]
Id Orchid: 0000000327847749
Id Sinta: 6079835
Id Scopus: 57950434800


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How to Cite

Yusriani, S., Prambudi, I. S., Patiro, S. P. S., Fauzi, A., & Rahayu, H. C. (2024). Barriers to Entrepreneurial Intention: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance &Amp; Accounting, 5(6), 5581–5588.