
  • Asbi Amin STIEM Bongaya, Makassar



Perception, halal-haram aspect, understanding of the tax regulations, religiosity


This research explores the impact of  halal-haram aspect, understanding of the tax regulations and religiosity has signifikant effect on the perception of Muslim taxpayers towards tax rabate over income zakat payments. Collecting data using a questionnaire instrument in this study type of non-probability sampling method used is judgmental sampling to as many as 97 respondents. Data analysis using the Smart PLS structural equation model. The results of the research are halal-haram aspect, understanding of the tax regulations and religiosity has signifikant effect on the perception of Muslim taxpayers towards tax rabate over income zakat payments.


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How to Cite

Amin, A. (2021). TAX ON ZAKAT ON INCOME TAX: PERCEPTIONS OF MUSLIM TAXPAYERS. Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance &Amp; Accounting, 1(6), 1102–1111.