Improving the Loyalty of Customer through the Effectiveness of Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, and Food Quality


  • Yohanes Ferry Cahaya Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ch. Endah Winarti Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Annathasia Puji Erasashanti Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia



Service quality, food quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty


The food industry is one of the business sectors that is future-oriented, as evidenced by food being one of the basic needs of the community. Therefore, it is necessary to examine customer loyalty in the food industry through the role of customer satisfaction, service quality and food quality, as in this study. In developing this research, quantitative descriptive methods were used by involving a sample of 100 respondents to obtain analysis data, which was then processed and analyzed using SEM-PLS. The research reveals that there is a significant positive correlation occurred of service quality along to food quality which affecting customer satisfaction. And this customer satisfaction also affects in increasing customer loyalty to Subway Indonesia. These results indicates that Subway Indonesia needs to maintain their improvement on service quality and food quality which served based on consumers expectations, so as to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.


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How to Cite

Cahaya, Y. F., Winarti, C. E., & Erasashanti, A. P. (2023). Improving the Loyalty of Customer through the Effectiveness of Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, and Food Quality. Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance &Amp; Accounting, 4(3), 404–415.