Consumption Value Dimension of Green Purchase Intention with Green Trust as Mediating Variable


  • Cynthia Sari Dewi Lecturer of Management Program, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Mohammad Annas Lecturer of Management Program, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara



Social Value, Emotional Value, Green Purchase Intention, Functional Value, Green Trust


One of the sectors that pollute the environment is the cosmetics sector. Pay close attention to the packaging and microplastic waste that have been produced. Presently, the cosmetics company Garnier create a Garnier Green Beauty campaign to transform the company and lessen its impact on the environment. Garnier is working to produce cosmetics with more environmentally friendly formulae. By decreasing waste, it will be possible to reduce plastic pollution. This study examines what influences someone to use eco-friendly beauty products and be willing to purchase Garnier products. Quantitative research techniques were used in this investigation. 211 respondents fit the criteria for knowing about Garnier products but had never used them. The results of the study show that the intentions of consumers to make green purchases are significantly influenced by the functional value, social value, and emotional worth of various goods. However, social work has little impact on green trust.


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Wong, K. H., Chang, H. H., & Yeh, C. H. (2019). The effects of consumption values and relational benefits on smartphone brand switching behavior. Information Technology and People, 32(1), 217–243., N. (2021). Pandemi dan Meningkatnya Sampah Plastik - EcoNusa. [Agustus 2, 2022]

Amin, S., & Tarun, M. T. (2021). Effect of consumption values on customers’ green purchase intention: a mediating role of green trust. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(8), 1320–1336.

Carrete, L., Castaño, R., Felix, R., Centeno, E., & González, E. (2012). Green consumer behavior in an emerging economy: Confusion, credibility, and compatibility. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(7), 470–481.

Chairy, C., & Alam, M. E. N. (2019). The Influence of Environmental Concern, Green Perceived Knowledge, and Green Trust on Green Purchase Intention. Jurnal Manajemen, 10(2), 131.

Chan, R. Y. K. (2001). MAR WILEJ RIGHT INTERACTIVE Base of text Top of CT Base of DF Determinants of Chinese Consumers’ Green Purchase Behavior. In Psychology & Marketing (Vol. 18, Issue 4). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Chen, Y. S. (2009). The Drivers of Green Brand Equity: Green Brand Image, Green Satisfaction, and Green Trust. Journal of Business Ethics 2009 93:2, 93(2), 307–319.

Fernández-Manzanal, R., Rodríguez-Barreiro, L., & Carrasquer, J. (2007). Evaluation of environmental attitudes: Analysis and results of a scale applied to university students. Science Education, 91(6), 988–1009.

Garnier, S. (2020). Laporan Kemajuan Berkelanjutan.

Ghozali, I. (2013). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS. Badan Penerbit Universitas Dipenogoro.

Grunert, K. G., Perrea, T., Zhou, Y., Huang, G., Sørensen, B. T., & Krystallis, A. (2011). Is food-related lifestyle (FRL) able to reveal food consumption patterns in non-Western cultural environments? Its adaptation and application in urban China. Appetite, 56(2), 357–367.

Gupta, S., & Ogden, D. T. (2009). To buy or not to buy? A social dilemma perspective on green buying. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(6), 378–393.

Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.).

Haryono, S. (2016). Metode SEM Untuk Penelitian Manajemen dengan AMOS LISREL PLS. PT. Intermedia Personalia Utama.

Hedlund, T. (2011). The impact of values, environmental concern, and willingness to accept economic sacrifices to protect the environment on tourists’ intentions to buy ecologically sustainable tourism alternatives. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11(4), 278–288.

Jamal, A. (2021). MMS Marketing Management Studies Dimensions of Consumption Value of Green Repurchase Intention with Green Trust as an Intervening Variable.

Jamrozy, U., & Lawonk, K. (2017). The multiple dimensions of consumption values in ecotourism. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 11(1), 18–34.

Johnstone, M. L., & Tan, L. P. (2015). An exploration of environmentally-conscious consumers and the reasons why they do not buy green products. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33(5), 804–825.

Khalid, H. (2020). Sampah Domestik Jadi Permasalahan Utama di Indonesia - Indonesia Environment & Energy Center. [Agustus 2, 2022]

Kompas. (2020). Merawat Keindahan Bumi, Garnier Luncurkan Program Green Beauty. [Agustus 2, 2022]

Lu, L. Y. Y., Wu, C. H., & Kuo, T. C. (2007). Environmental principles apply to green supplier evaluation by using multi-objective decision analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 45(18–19), 4317–4331.

Minhal, S. M., Zaidi, R., Yifei, L., Bhutto, M. Y., Ali, R., & Alam, F. (2019). The Influence of Consumption Values on Green Purchase Intention: A Moderated Mediation of Greenwash Perceptions and Green Trust. In Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (Vol. 13, Issue 4).

Nik, N. R., & Rashid, A. (2009). Awareness of Eco-label in Malaysia’s Green Marketing Initiative. In International Journal of Business and Management (Vol. 4, Issue 8).

Novelino, A. (2022). Sampah Plastik 2021 Naik ke 11,6 Juta Ton, KLHK Sindir Belanja Online.

Nugraheni, N. . (2021). 5 Negara ini Penyumbang Sampah Plastik Terbesar di Dunia, Indonesia Urutan Ke-3. negara-ini-penyumbang-sampah-plastik-terbesar-di-dunia-indonesia-urutanke-3

Putri, A. W. (2019). Limbah Plastik Produk-produk Kecantikan yang Tak Kalah Berbahaya. [Agustus 2, 2022]

Rayne, L. (2013). Conscious spending, conscious life : an uncommon guide to navigating the consumer culture. 386.

Sánchez-Fernández, R., & Iniesta-Bonillo, M. Á. (2007). The concept of perceived value: A systematic review of the research. Marketing Theory, 7(4), 427–451.

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research Method for Business : A Skill-Building Approach (Vol. 4, Issue 1). Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Sheth, J. N., Newman, B. I., & Gross, B. L. (1991). Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values. Journal of Business Research, 22(2), 159–170.

Situmorang, H. D. (2021). 4,8 Juta Ton per Tahun Sampah Plastik di Indonesia Tidak Dikelola dengan Baik. [Agustus 2, 2022]

Sweeney, J. C., & Soutar, G. N. (2001). Consumer perceived value: The development of a multiple item scale. Journal of Retailing, 77(2), 203–220.

Thøgersen, J., de Barcellos, M. D., Perin, M. G., & Zhou, Y. (2015). Consumer buying motives and attitudes towards organic food in two emerging markets: China and Brazil. International Marketing Review, 32(3–4), 389–413.

Vergragt, P., Akenji, L., & Dewick, P. (2014). Sustainable production, consumption, and livelihoods: global and regional research perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 63, 1–12.

Vermeir, I., & Verbeke, W. (2008). Sustainable food consumption among young adults in Belgium: Theory of planned behavior and the role of confidence and values. Ecological Economics, 64(3), 542–553.

Wong, K. H., Chang, H. H., & Yeh, C. H. (2019). The effects of consumption values and relational benefits on smartphone brand switching behavior. Information Technology and People, 32(1), 217–243.



How to Cite

Sari Dewi, C., & Annas, M. . (2022). Consumption Value Dimension of Green Purchase Intention with Green Trust as Mediating Variable. Dinasti International Journal of Economics, Finance &Amp; Accounting, 3(3), 315–325.