The Impact of Total Quality Management in Improving Corporate Green Performance Through Organizational Innovation Mediation in the Plastic Industry
Total Quality Management, Organizational Innovation, Performance Green Company, Industri PlasticAbstract
This study aims to study the impact of total quality management on improving the eco-performance of companies in the plastics industry through the mediation of organizational innovation. The research method used SEM analysis with the participation of multiple respondents, starting with an observational survey and analyzing data from several companies in the plastics industry with a total of 132 representative respondents. The results show that total quality management has a positive but insignificant relationship with a corporate green performance. Furthermore, total quality management has a positive and significant relationship with organizational innovation. Meanwhile, the mediating effect of organizational innovation has a positive and significant relationship mediating the relationship between total quality management and organizational innovation. However, total quality management and organizational innovation have a positive and significant relationship with corporate green performance. The conclusion of this study is that total quality management plays an important role in improving the eco-performance of plastics industry enterprises, although it is not significant, and total quality management also has an impact. positively and significantly impacts organizational innovation, although organizational innovation does not play a mediating role. The relationship between total quality management and eco-performance. Therefore, companies in this sector must actively integrate total quality management into their strategies while enhancing organizational learning capabilities to achieve better green performance. These findings provide valuable guidance to practitioners and managers in their efforts to achieve sustainability and reduce negative environmental impacts in the plastics industry. The new point of this study is that the above variables have never been studied by previous researchers, and the indicators in this study are also considered new because no one has previously measured them with comprehensive indicators such as this study.
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