The Influence of Self-Esteem, Rewards, and Work Ethic on Productivity


  • Fadli Angga Reza Syahputra University of Indonesia Building, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Rama Chandra Jaya University of Indonesia Building, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Dadan Abdul Aziz Mubarok University of Indonesia Building, Bandung, Indonesia



Self-Esteem, Rewards, Work Ethic, Productivity


Every company must have goals that must be achieved, one of the strengths possessed by
a company to achieve goals is to increase employee productivity. PT ABS , which is engaged in the
garment sector, is inseparable from the human resources in the company, needs to pay attention to
aspects to increase productivity, self-esteem, appreciation and work ethic of the company so that
company activities run optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of SelfEsteem, Appreciation and Work Ethic on Employee Productivity of PT ABS Production Division. The
research method used is quantitative research method with descriptive and verification approaches.
The results showed that: (1) Work Productivity of employees of PT ABS Production Division in the
category of less good. (2) Employee Work Self-Esteem of PT ABS Production Section in the
category of less good (3) Awards of PT ABS Production Section in the category of less good. (4) The
Work Ethic of PT ABS Production Section is in the poor category (5) Partially Self-esteem has a
positive influence on Employee Work Productivity. (6) Partially, appreciation has a positive influence
on employee productivity. (7) Partially Work Ethic has a positive influence on Employee Productivity.
(8) Partially Simultaneously Self-Esteem, Appreciation and Work Ethic have a positive influence on
Work Productivity.


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